Agenda Q3 W6
Kingdom Protista: Feb 10
Monday - Thursday
Quick lesson from the district
Warm up: Classification Review page 84
Learn about Kingdom Protista page 81
Microviewers where we look at cells in the kingdom Protista. Learn about sleeping sickness, malaria, red tide and more.
Cell Brochure.
Monday: Finish the rough draft, start the final draft with a title and complete 1 organelles on the final copy.
Tuesday: Complete a total of 4 organelles
Wednesday: Complete 7 organelles on final draft
Thursday: Complete 11 Organelles on Final draft
HW: Study for Quiz Friday on all of the organelles on your chart. 20 multiple choice questions on where they are and what they do.
Organelle Quiz
Work on Cell Brochure with a goal of 12 organelles mostly done and start coloring and start final touches. We will finish this in class after break. No homework is expected over break unless you are behind our goal.