Agenda Q3 W3
Prokaryote & Bacteria
Monday no school
Tuesday Dichotomous key
Go over homework assignment for this week due Thursday: black plague. We will chat about the black plague, watch a video and talk about how this bacteria caused an outbreak (concept also covered in history this year).
Go over Panther patient Part 1 with Jejuni and see how Panther is feeling on Part 2. Group work.
Gizmos Dichotomous key. 5 min trial. Make sure the Albatross, Buttercups and Virginia Evergreens are complete. If time start the sharks. Save the snakes for tomorrow.
Practice Dichotomous Key PERFORMANCE TASK.
This is a practice for tomorrow's performance task on using a dichotomous key to identify Bacteria (our two concepts merge). This will self grade and release scores at the end of the practice. If you do great on this you will do great on the real thing tomorrow.
HW: Black Plague article and google quiz posted on google classroom. Due Thursday.
Amplify article L. reuteri.
Panther Part 2 Week 7
15 Min video on identifying snakes and then our 5 minute trial on Gizmos Dichotomous Key snakes.
PERFORMANCE TASK: use the dichotomous key to identify bacteria. We did a practice yesterday and today is the real deal. You can't really study for this, you have to know how to use a dichotomous key.
HW: HW due Thursday. Black Plague article. See google classroom.
Thursday Sub
Classification: Kingdoms Archaebacteria and Eubacteria. Take notes and answer questions on the side questions #1-6. Stay with the concept of Bacteria (don't move onto Protista).
Amplify article B. animalis
Pine Tree Classification.
Panther Part 3
HW:Check portal to see if yout Black Plague article is complete. I close out the HW link Friday at 8:00 am.
Discussion about E. coli and the ways we can engineer E. coli for good. Amplify article E. coli.
Start Fishing for a name. Start the back on page 72.
Go over #3 on Fishing for a name activity Complete the rest in class.
Panther Part 4
Finish Gizmos Dichotomous Key
Next week.... start on Protists
History of cells timeline