Agenda Q2 W9
Monday Eye
Review the eye parts we learned on Friday.
Discuss Cones and Rods. Watch Colors in natural selection: Bird Mimicry.
Colorblindness test. This is not a real medical test to replace a diagnosis from a doctor. It is for fun to spark good conversations about how we see colors differently.
Go over why colorblindness is more common in boys
Deer can't see red. Link that to camouflage/natural selection
Go over a few new eye structures. Learn a total of 8 parts of the eye today.
Start the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Learn the rest of the eye structures.
Naviance Training
Notes on Electromagnetic spectrum. Looking at animals that see outside the Visible spectrum.
Wednesday Finish eye structures
Review Eye structures. Quizlet: Memorize the parts of the eye.
Nervous system response time Lab. Visual, Auditory and tactile.
Look at the speed of the eye/brain pathway and how that compares to hearing/brain or tactile/brain pathways.
Video on the Nervous system
Optical Illusion PPT from last week
Are Zebra stripes an optical illusion against predators?
thursday eye Pop quiz
Go over near-sighted and farsightedness with a laser and optics demonstration.
POP Quiz on the eye parts. Make sure you know ALL the structure and functions of the parts to the eye
friday Optical illusions and natural selection
Optical Illusions PPT for fun.
Finish Pushing the limits Eye Sight.